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Sex Offender FAQs
Are all sex offenders considered “Predatory”?
No. The Board of parole and Post-Prison Supervision, Community Corrections and the Oregon State Police must make a finding of predatory, based on an assessment of the offender's crimes and history. This assessment is based, on previous history and the facts surrounding the sex offense conviction.
Category: Sex Offender
Are all sex offenders required to register?
No. The list of sex offenses required to register can be found in ORS 181.594. The first registration laws went into effect in Oregon in 1989. Since that time, additional crimes have been added to the list. There are a number of people living in Oregon whose sex offense convictions predate the registration requirements. Others have convictions which allow for relief from registration 10 years after their supervision ends.
Category: Sex Offender
Can I get the address of adult sex offenders on supervision from the county?
This varies from county to county. Generally they will provide you the address of those offenders deemed predatory. If the sex offender has not been deemed predatory, they may not release address information but can provide you with information about their crime of conviction and conditions of supervision.
Category: Sex Offender
How can I get a list of sex offenders in my neighborhood?
Predatory offender information may be obtained through the public web site. A list of offenders, both on and off supervision, including predatory and non-predatory, can be obtained by calling the Oregon State Police at 503-378-3725 extension 4429 or by emailing a request toSexoffender.Questions@state.or.us . In both instances you will need to leave your name, mailing address, and the city or zip code information for which you are interested. Most requests are processed within 1 week.
Category: Sex Offender
How long are sex offenders required to register?
Oregon is a lifetime registration state for convictions of Class A and B felonies. This includes persons deemed predatory. If the sex offender has a sex offense conviction of Class C felony or less, they can apply for relief from the registration obligation no sooner than 10 years after their supervision ends. Youth adjudicated of a sex crime in juvenile court can apply for relief from registration 2 years after their supervision ends. Application is made to the District Attorney or juvenile court in the county in which they are residing and a court hearing is scheduled.
Category: Sex Offender
Is community notification made on all sex offenders?
No. Notification is made only on those persons deemed predatory by the Oregon State Police, the Board on Parole and Post-Prison Supervision and Community Corrections. Notification may be made for sex offenders off of supervision by local law enforcement. For persons on supervision, notification may be made by their supervising agency.
Category: Sex Offender
What does “Predatory Sex Offender” mean?
An individual who exhibits characteristics showing a tendency to victimize or injure others and who has been convicted of a sex crime. The “predatory” designation allows law enforcement, or the supervising agency, to notify the community about a particular sex offender.
Category: Sex Offender
What is community notification?
Community notification as advising the community where a predatory sex offender resides of that individual's presence. This can be made in a variety of ways depending on the offender and the circumstances. Notifying only the offenders' family and employer is a minimal form of community notification. Community notification is made by local law enforcement for persons not on supervision. Community notification is made community corrections for persons under supervision by the Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision and community corrections.
Other examples of notification include:
Community/neighborhood meetings
Distribution of flyers door-to-door
Newspapers articles and ads
Internet notices
Posting offender residences
Category: Sex Offender
Where can I find the definitions for Oregon sex crimes?
The definitions for sexual offenses in Oregon can be found in ORS 163.305 to 163.467.
Category: Sex Offender
Why doesn't the list give me the addresses for all the registered sex offenders?
Offenders currently under parole, post-prison supervision, probation or under the jurisdiction of a juvenile court fall under the authority of their supervising agency. Information on these offenders may be released by their supervising agency.
Category: Sex Offender