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The Audit-Finance Committee monitors the City's financial affairs for conformance to the City budget, City policies and fiscal prudence and reports to the City Council.
  • Support the Finance Department by meeting quarterly to review financials and discuss topics regarding Finance;
  • Review the draft Audit Report and make recommendations for change and/or recommendation to accept;
  • Report to City Council post-meeting and keep Council apprised of issues and concerns they may have regarding Finance.

There are currently positions open on the Coburg Budget Committee. See below for more info.

The Budget Committee maintains oversight on all budgetary matters at the City. This process includes:

  • hearing the presentation and reviewing preliminary documents
  • ensuring its strategic alignment of the Council Goals and priorities
  • clarify questions with staff

Once these actions are concluded, the committee then makes a recommendation to City Council for eventual budget adoption.

The HERITAGE COMMITTEE participates in the development of the City’s planning, implementation and monitoring of performance and evaluates outcomes of programs; develops and reviews program policies and priorities; assure the coordination and; review coordinated…

EMPOWERED BY: Ordinance A-226

CONTACT:  The Planning Department, 541-682-7850


The Park|Tree Committee advises City Council on matters pertaining to Parks, trails, street trees and related facilities.

  • Participate in and/or organize fundraising events, as approved by City Council, for the purpose of promoting donations for future park improvements;

  • Advises City Council on matters pertaining to public recreation, including playgrounds;

The City of Coburg’s Urban Renewal Agency was designed to create a district that supports planning and building of the municipal wastewater system.
Coburg Planning Commission:
  • Paul Thompson, Chair
  • William Wood, Vice Chair
  • John Marshall
  • Seth Clark
  • Judith Behney
  • Jon Derby
  • Marissa Doyle
The Coburg Planning Commission was established in 1967 and is a quasi-judicial body. Their purpose and objectives are to:
  1. To keep current the Coburg Comprehensive Plan, functional plans and refinement plans for the City adopted by the Council as official guides to public and private uses of land.

City Council adopted resolution 2023-15 creating this Ad-Hoc Committee to seek citizen participation and input regarding transportation system safety issues to assist Council and staff in solutions to improve pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle safety.

The Ad-Hoc Committee is charged with analyzing a variety of pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle safety issues identified and presented by staff, reviewing potential mitigation actions and making recommendations to Council on preferred mitigation actions for staff to pursue.