Emergency Preparedness

Be Prepared in the Case of an Emergency



Receive Emergency Notifications

Receive an emergency notification call to your mobile phone through the Lane County ALERT ME! cell phone and VoIP registration and/or Ready.Gov.

For Families

  • Talk with your family about disasters that could happen in the Pacific Northwest, such as home fires, wildfires, severe winter weather, flooding, earthquakes, terrorism, and hazardous material accidents.
  • Train all family members. Learn to use a fire extinguisher. Locate your utility shut-off valves and know when and how to turn off your gas, electricity, and water. Make sure all responsible people in the household have this knowledge or training. Pick two places to meet:
  1. Right outside of your home, in case of a sudden emergency, like a fire; and;
  2. Outside of your neighborhood, in case you can't return home or are asked to leave your neighborhood. Everyone must know the address and phone number of the meeting locations.
  • Take stock of supplies you may already have on hand that would be helpful in a disaster. Involve the whole family in collecting and assembling supplies of food, water, and emergency tools.
  • Tell everyone in the household where emergency contact information will be kept. Post a copy on your refrigerator, keep another with your disaster supplies kit and in your purse, wallet, or backpack. Make sure you have included an out-of-state contact. You may be able to reach them when local phone lines are down.
  • Test your readiness on a regular basis. Review your family disaster plan and go through supplies at least once a year. Commit to a day or weekend to update phone numbers, hold family fire and earthquake drills, and check supplies.