NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING is hereby given that Coburg City Council will hold public hearings on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at 6:00 PM. The purpose of these hearings is to take public testimony on adopting proposed rate increases for transportation utility fees and water and wastewater rates.

Resolutions establishing the proposed rates will be considered at this meeting. If approved, the new rates will be effective on February 1, 2025, and will be reflected in the utility bills customers receive in March 2025.

The public may attend this meeting at City Hall or via Zoom. To participate via Zoom, you must pre-register with the City by 3 PM the day of the meeting. Council meetings are recorded and live-streamed at www.coburgoregon.org (NO registration required).

For questions, contact City Recorder Sammy Egbert at sammy.egbert@ci.coburg.or.us or 541-682-7852.

Submit testimony to Council:
• In person attend Council meeting, please sign up upon arriving.
• Written mail or deliver to Coburg City Hall, 91136 N. Willamette, PO BOX 8316, Coburg, Oregon 97408.
• Email sent to sammy.egbert@ci.coburg.or.us by 3PM December 10, 2024.