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April is Child Abuse Prevention Month in Coburg
On Tuesday, March 13th, City Council voted to proclaim April 2018 Child Abuse Prevention Month in Coburg. The full text of the proclamation is below and the official document is linked below for your information.
Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation
Whereas, the public cares deeply about child abuse, and a majority report that child abuse is a very important moral issue to them;
Whereas, preventing child abuse and neglect is a community problem that depends on involvement among people throughout the community.
Whereas, child abuse and neglect not only directly harm children, but also increases the likelihood of long-term physical and mental health problems, alcohol and substance abuse, continued family violence and criminal behavior;
Whereas, child maltreatment occurs when people find themselves in stressful situations, without community resources, and don’t know how to cope;
Whereas, child abuse and neglect can be reduced by making sure each family has the support they need in raising their children in a safe, nurturing environment;
Whereas, effective child abuse prevention programs succeed because of partnerships created among social service agencies, schools, faith communities, civic organizations, law enforcement agencies and the business community;
Therefore, the City of Coburg does hereby proclaim April 2018 to be
Child Abuse Prevention Month
and calls upon all citizens, community agencies, faith groups, medical facilities, and businesses to increase their participation in our efforts to support families, thereby preventing child abuse and strengthening the communities in which we live.